Brain Surge, LLC

Brain Surge, LLC

About Us

During the pandemic, like so many, I was let go from my job, and my children were forced to attend school remotely. My son did fine on his own, with a little guidance. My daughter is a little younger and struggled with remote school. So, every day from 7:30 am to 2:30 pm, I would sit beside her, and we would do school together. It was then that I realized she was struggling with focus and concentration and remembering the lessons.
Our family would sit together for dinner and talk about our day, but my daughter could not remember most of what she learned or read. She inspired me to develop something that would help her. So, I decided I would study the science myself and develop something that could help her. After six months of studying hundreds of research papers and test results, I developed the formulation that would become BrainJolt. While working with a supplement manufacturer, there was more room available in the capsules, so I added more ingredients for eye-hand coordination and to protect the brain from age related diseases.

The effects of BrainJolt where so successful, my wife suggested I sell it commercially and my company, Brain Surge, was born.


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